Wednesday, August 22, 2007

What is not necessary to do?

That it is not necessary to do it is not necessary to do that in any way will not help you to get rid of spots. Especially it is not necessary to do that can worsen a condition of the skin, complicate current acne , cause formation new scars. Before to take advantage of new way of treatment of spots, think: why, due to what it can help you?
If means or procedure for treatment of spots does not stop an inflammation, does not kill a bacterium, does not influence work of sebaceous glands - then as how they can make? We shall tell more in detail about mistakes and false approaches to treatment acne rashes in following sections.
We can advise you the general rule - trust only to those methods, the advantage from which is proved. Use that really helps. Effective methods of treatment of spots always have such proofs. To not do much harm to itself, protect your skin.
Do not squeeze out and do not pick spots. Do not use aggressive substances that " to infect them". Do not experiment those means which structure to you is unknown. Protect the organism. Do not test it " for durability " serious medicines which are released only under the recipe.
Do not play with antibiotics, hormones, retinoids - even if your condition seems to you desperate. Remember, that the tablet from spots does not exist. Far not always it is necessary to operate on a pattern, by an example of other people to which " here this means has helped ". That has helped one person, can not help or do much harm to another.
If treatment of spots is not possible to you, do not despair and do not lower a hand. Effective means of treatment are, and All of you equally will get rid of spots.

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