Saturday, August 11, 2007

Harmful creams

The structure of cosmetics seems to us to something from area of magic: mysterious letters on jars. Few of us understand cosmetic components. About advantage of those or other substances we scoop more often representations from advertising and advice of friends. Meanwhile far not always that to us advertise, really it is necessary to use. In creams quite often add dangerous to our skin and hair components. Here most often meeting from them.


Lotions with the maintenance of spirit it is possible to recommend safely have oily skin inclined to inflammations as alcohol possesses drying and disinfectant action. However here the most important - to observe a measure: the maintenance of spirit in a preparation should not exceed 15-17 %. And who has dry skin, from the means containing spirit, is better to refuse in general, differently on the person there can be a peeling, the irritation, unpleasant feeling.

Paraffin. Strong camedon producer.

Quite often is a part of preparations against ageing. Categorically it is not recommended to girls with the problem, oilyt or mixed skin. Forming on epidermise layer, paraffin interferes with a conclusion from times of toxins and complicates access of oxygen. As a result the skin loses a kind half of appeal - becomes rough and slovenly.
You will ask, what for in general use paraffin in cosmetology? The matter is that it possesses warming action, accelerates a metabolism, possesses easy peeling effect. Besides paraffin is often applied for anticellulite procedures and mitigations of skin of hands (procedure and refers to - paraffin therapy). The last, by the way, you can safely try. It is checked up: operates perfectly.

Retin A.
Weight of contra-indications Retins - derivatives of vitamin A. They - one of the most effective cosmetic components as not only slow down processes of ageing of skin, but also perfectly cope with a problem acne. But take your time to run in a drugstore behind a new tube - at retin A there are many by-effects and contra-indications.
In particular, preparations on the basis of retins cannot be used during pregnancy, at simultaneous reception of the medicines containing some antibiotics, at a hypersensitive skin, at presence of wounds and mechanical damages. By-effects can become dryness and a peeling of a skin, an itch, irritation mucous. During a summer season experts also advise to refuse from retins or even to limit its application as substances of this group raise sensitivity of a skin a ultraviolet and raise risk of disease меlanoma.

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