Wednesday, August 22, 2007

What is not necessary to do?

That it is not necessary to do it is not necessary to do that in any way will not help you to get rid of spots. Especially it is not necessary to do that can worsen a condition of the skin, complicate current acne , cause formation new scars. Before to take advantage of new way of treatment of spots, think: why, due to what it can help you?
If means or procedure for treatment of spots does not stop an inflammation, does not kill a bacterium, does not influence work of sebaceous glands - then as how they can make? We shall tell more in detail about mistakes and false approaches to treatment acne rashes in following sections.
We can advise you the general rule - trust only to those methods, the advantage from which is proved. Use that really helps. Effective methods of treatment of spots always have such proofs. To not do much harm to itself, protect your skin.
Do not squeeze out and do not pick spots. Do not use aggressive substances that " to infect them". Do not experiment those means which structure to you is unknown. Protect the organism. Do not test it " for durability " serious medicines which are released only under the recipe.
Do not play with antibiotics, hormones, retinoids - even if your condition seems to you desperate. Remember, that the tablet from spots does not exist. Far not always it is necessary to operate on a pattern, by an example of other people to which " here this means has helped ". That has helped one person, can not help or do much harm to another.
If treatment of spots is not possible to you, do not despair and do not lower a hand. Effective means of treatment are, and All of you equally will get rid of spots.

Benzoyl peroxide( Clearasil-ultra, oxy-5, 10)

Benzoyl peroxide other
means from spots of modern local preparations for treatment аcne not so it is a lot of. We mean only those preparations, efficiency and which safety are proved. Therefore the modern medicine resolves their independent use for treatment of spots. They can be bought without the recipe.

Benzoyl peroxide
( Clearasil-ultra, oxy-5, 10)

Benzoyl peroxide (it Clearasil-ultra, oxy-5, 10 ) is used in treatment of acne many years. Action бензоил peroxide- it suppresses growth of bacteria, oxidizes and peels, interfering formation comedons. The polymeric complex in a preparation also absorbs skin oil. They can be bought without the recipe.

Preparations put on the skin or 2 times a day. Good effect it is possible to expect in 4 weeks after the beginning of use of a preparation, and proof improvement - in 3 months of treatment.

The basic by-effect benzoil peroxide is a dryness of skin . At strong dryness and a peeling humidify the skin with a low-fat cream. To begin use of a preparation it is possible, putting it for the night in day while the skin will not get used or to take smaller quantity of a preparation, to put its more thin layer.
The strong irritation of the skin, allergic reactions to a preparation (approximately in 3 % of cases), contact dermatitis are occasionally marked. Besides benzoyl peroxide bleaches hair and clothes. Let's a preparation dry up.
Now gel Baziron the EXPERT companies Galderma (France) is widespread. More often it is accessible in 5 % of concentration. The cream Clearasil Ultra English company Boots Healthcare contains 10 % benzoil peroxide.

Azelaic acid- has the complex mechanism of action - suppresses growth of bacteria and peels, weakens an inflammation. Besides it can weaken pigmentation of the skin acne that is useful for people with more dark skin and inclined to such reaction.
azelaic acid in the world is issued in the form of 15 % of gel and 20 % of creams by German firm Intendis. In some countries azelaic acid is released only under the recipe of the doctor. Gel which included azelaic acid put on the skin over again once a day - in the morning and for the night. In the beginning the feeling of irritation of skin possible, it is necessary to allow to it to get used.

Appreciable improvement it is possible to expect in 4 weeks of use of a preparation. Proof improvement it is observed in 6 months. Treatment can be continued within several years. The preparation is usually well transferred, collateral reactions happen seldom.

How them to use? At use of any preparations without recipe from acne it is necessaryto know: 1. Closely to read through the summary of a preparation and to follow its instructions
2. First to clear (to wipe and dry up the skin in a place of drawing
3. To put on all amazed area, instead of on separate eruption
4. To adhere to the recommended scheme of use

The same preparations the doctor can appoint a part of the complex scheme of treatment. In such cases observe its recommendations. Consult on it at arising questions, discuss results of treatment.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Harmful creams

The structure of cosmetics seems to us to something from area of magic: mysterious letters on jars. Few of us understand cosmetic components. About advantage of those or other substances we scoop more often representations from advertising and advice of friends. Meanwhile far not always that to us advertise, really it is necessary to use. In creams quite often add dangerous to our skin and hair components. Here most often meeting from them.


Lotions with the maintenance of spirit it is possible to recommend safely have oily skin inclined to inflammations as alcohol possesses drying and disinfectant action. However here the most important - to observe a measure: the maintenance of spirit in a preparation should not exceed 15-17 %. And who has dry skin, from the means containing spirit, is better to refuse in general, differently on the person there can be a peeling, the irritation, unpleasant feeling.

Paraffin. Strong camedon producer.

Quite often is a part of preparations against ageing. Categorically it is not recommended to girls with the problem, oilyt or mixed skin. Forming on epidermise layer, paraffin interferes with a conclusion from times of toxins and complicates access of oxygen. As a result the skin loses a kind half of appeal - becomes rough and slovenly.
You will ask, what for in general use paraffin in cosmetology? The matter is that it possesses warming action, accelerates a metabolism, possesses easy peeling effect. Besides paraffin is often applied for anticellulite procedures and mitigations of skin of hands (procedure and refers to - paraffin therapy). The last, by the way, you can safely try. It is checked up: operates perfectly.

Retin A.
Weight of contra-indications Retins - derivatives of vitamin A. They - one of the most effective cosmetic components as not only slow down processes of ageing of skin, but also perfectly cope with a problem acne. But take your time to run in a drugstore behind a new tube - at retin A there are many by-effects and contra-indications.
In particular, preparations on the basis of retins cannot be used during pregnancy, at simultaneous reception of the medicines containing some antibiotics, at a hypersensitive skin, at presence of wounds and mechanical damages. By-effects can become dryness and a peeling of a skin, an itch, irritation mucous. During a summer season experts also advise to refuse from retins or even to limit its application as substances of this group raise sensitivity of a skin a ultraviolet and raise risk of disease меlanoma.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Acne treatment.

Acne are caused by a variety of environmental pollution, gene, stress etc.etc.!

Whiteheads ,blackheads, pimples caused by an infection of the body skin when p.acne bacteria and oil are trapped below the skin surface.

You can treat acne with lase, chemical peeling or physician grade topical skin care products. Antiacne treatments are relatively painless, it is not waste time, and are treated with good experienced medical staff.

Lasers are first used for acne treatment. In the second phase,the glands which produce skin oil are shrunk. It meansthat the glands produce less oil, preventing future appearing acne. Laser treatments takes about fifteen minutes and one hour. This procedure is painless or down time for this treatment.

Acne scar removal is treated in almost the same wayof removing wrinkles . Lasers treatment provide new collagen growth.It filling scars from the inside out. Brown and red pigmentation left acne scars are removed using treatments similar to the treatl of pigmented lesions .

Always consult with your health care provider before applying any product on your skin.

Several types of prescription topical medicines are used to treat acne. They include:

Antibiotics – help stop or slow the growth of bacteria and reduce inflammation

Vitamin A derivatives (retinoids) – unplug existing comedones (plural of comedo), allowing other topical medicines, such as antibiotics, to enter the follicles. Some may also help decrease the formation of comedones. These drugs contain an altered form of vitamin A. Some examples are tretinoin (Retin-A2), adapalene (Differin), and tazarotene (Tazorac)

Others – may destroy P. acnes and reduce oil production or help stop or slow the growth of bacteria and reduce inflammation. Some examples are prescription strength Benzoyl peroxide, sodium sulfacetamide/sulfur-containing products, or Azelaic acid (Azelex).

Vitamin therapy for skin.

Mask from clay and honey.
If available only dry clay - mix it with honey and tea leaves of tea (black or green) before formation porridge, put on a skin (better after bathing, soul, saunas). If there is a viscous clay - simply mix it with honey. A mask to hold on the person of 20-30 minutes, then to wash off warm water.

Vitamin green mask.
Cut leaves of a parsley, salad and spinach mix with one teaspoon of a porridge or potato starch. Put on the person on 15 mines, rinse a wadded tampon all over again warm, and then cold water.

The Barmy mask.
One yolk and 20 gr yeast dissolve with peach oil up to a consistence of sour cream. Put on the person on 30 mines, rinse with warm, and then cold water.

A softening mask.
Pulp of a banana pound with one teaspoon and 1/2 teaspoons of potato starch. Put on the person on 20 mines, then rinse cold water.

Oil mask.
On a layer of cotton wool thickness in 1 sm put 100 г warm vegetable oil in which preliminary add one teaspoon of finely pounded flowers of the camomile, one table spoon of the honey, one table spoon of ashberry juice. Cotton wool impose on the person and a neck, from above be covered with a terry towel. Through 30 mines a mask remove and wash cold water. Procedure spend once a week.

The substances most useful to a dry

The substances most useful to a dry skin have especially well proved to be so-called ceramids. It like oil the substances reminding natural fastening greasing between skin cells and very well filling its lack. Owing to it deduction of a moisture by a horn layer noticeably improves.
Well act on a dry skin creams with oil sasankua or other nonsaturated fat acids . They provide softness of a skin and the best moisture.
Sauna bath, hydrotic kinds of sports and navigation in the chlorinated water. Thus valuable protective substances are washed away, to fill which to a skin happens difficultly. To facilitate to it it, right after procedures it is necessary to put a thick layer of a fat humidifying cream or to make a mask - nutritious or humidifying. Special advice who likes navigations: before a jump in water apply in askin of the person, a neck and a decollete a water-resistant sun-protection cream. * Exfoliating, removing horn of skin, usually are not required at all.

Dry skin care.

In a youth the dryskin proves to be from the best party: peach cheeks, thin times, absence of fat shine - here qualities of which it is necessary to dream only that who during puberty suffer with acne and spots.
But it is necessary to know these advantages, it becomes obvious by twenty five years. If behind a dry skin there was no appropriate leaving, lack of a moisture and fat will affect it very quickly : a skin will pull; spots, irritations and early wrinkles will urgently demand the cosmetic help.

The dry skin has not enough in the beginning fat, and then a moisture. In increase in dryness insufficient activity of sebaceous glands is guilty. They produce less fat, than it is required for formation of a natural protective cover. This film, natural "cream" from fat, sweat and humidifying substances, supports elasticity of a horn layer.
It does a skin by a rack against harmful external influences and protects first of all from drying. Till twenty years this lack is not swept up, but after twenty development of fat is more and more reduced. Natural skin fat - the best means for preservation of a moisture, therefore its lack there and then moisturising affect.
Horn cells become dry, shelled, their mutual communication weakens, and the moisture can easily evaporate. Harmful irritating substances also can get inside, therefore a dry skin becomes frequent painfully sensitive and more quickly grows old. Unfortunately, even the best leaving will not force languid sebaceous glands to develop some more fat.
They react to the certain hormonal signals under the plan incorporated in an organism genetically, and to affect it there is no opportunity. But correct leaving anyway can compensate what lacks a skin.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Psoriasis treatment.

The phototherapy is use-ultra-violet beams (290-320 nanometers) for treatment of skin diseases. Usually treatment is spent in clinic though sometimes patients spend treatment independently, getting the equipment -room , equipped by lamps. Sessions are spent 2-5 times to a week, their duration gradually increases before clarification of a skin, at absence of irritation from previous treatment.
The most frequent indications to phototherapy - psoriasis, various forms of dermatitis and pink deprive. By-effects of phototherapy - burns as solar, burns of a cornea (if to not use goggles). At simultaneous local application smooth preparations and tar there is a risk of occurrence irritation of follicle.

Oily skin care

That cleaning was more effective, before it the skin can be wiped lotion (containing spirit), Concentration depends on type of a skin. At a oily skin it is possible to not plant substances containing spirit water. At a dry and normal skin their concentration should be much weaker.

If the skin very oily after clarification it is necessary to rinse face with the acidified water. At presence blackheads- to put preparations with antibacterial action (antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action of external application).

Each 5-7 days it is recommended to do masks, it is possible on an albuminous or barmy basis on 15 mines, then to wash off (for example, the shaken up fiber plus some drops of juice of a lemon with the subsequent rinsing with cold water). For deep clarification spend procedure preparations of a skin with the subsequent cleaning hands.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Adult acne

Adult acne appears after 30 years which occurs for 1 of these reasons:
1. During pregnancy
2. Acne may appear for the first time in a person who had never previously had acne.
3. .Recurrence of acne that cleared up after adolescence
Acne that appears for the first time in adulthood should be examined by a dermatologist who can investigate the cause of acne .There are a few causes of adult acne:
· Medication. Some medications can include anabolic steroids some anti-epileptic preparations, the anti-tuberculosis medications for example ionized, lithium and iodine-containing medications can help appearing of acne.
· Chronic physical pressure on your skin. Some straps of backpack which are made of bad quality materials can cause chronic physical pressure on your skin may induce a condition like acne mechanica.
· Industrial chemicals. These may induce the occupational skin disorder. As you know chemicals very harmful for the skin.
· Metabolic conditions. Changes of hormonal balance, like pregnancy, menstruation can induce acne very progressive in some cases.
However, some irritations or inflammation of some organs in our body can also induce acne.
Adult acne often difficult to treat because of their multiple recurrences. A lot of patients with severe recurrent acne have undergone repeated courses of treatment with the potent systemic drug isotretinoin.
Anyway, any acne types should be examined and treated by a dermatologist.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Microdrmabrasion - the dosed out peeling, polishing, drawing on the skin under pressure of fine abrasive particles (hydrooxides of aluminium) with one-stage suction a powder and epidermic cells with vacuum system. Microcrystals of hydrooxides of aluminium beat out the particles of epidermis and stimulate updating epithelium. Allocate three degrees of influence on epidermis: light, average, strong.

At a light degree of influence there is a superficial clarification epidermic a layer of the skin from horn substance. At average - influence by microcrystals is carried out on deeper layers of epidermis. Due to bombardment of skin in epidermis microwells through which the intercellular liquid rises upwards are formed and is allocated for a surface of skin. Strong influence by hydrooxides of aluminium - involving in process basis layer.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

How to treat Moles?

Mole (nevus) - represent the congestions limited on the area nevus cells with a pigment which are formed as a result of local infringement of synthesis and an exchange of melanin. As a rule, they flat or slightly acting above skin, smooth, are sometimes covered by hair, appear in the childhood and a youth. The long irradiation rodinok a ultraviolet (long intensive sunburn) is fraught with their regeneration in melanomu (the extremely dangerous malignant disease with early and plural metastasis.

Unique radical way of treatment moles, warts and papillomas is their full removal, during too time - duly removal is the best preventive maintenance of regeneration of good-quality formation in malignant. Removal should be spent only in conditions of medical institution! Self-treatment is inadmissible, as only the doctor can put the correct diagnosis and is qualitative remove a wart or mole. Attempts of independent elimination or without medical formation are capable to result not qualified intervention of people at the best - in repeated growth of formation, and in the worst - to its regeneration in a malignant tumour
Before operation the doctor will necessarily find out a kind of appearance, will define its innocent .

1. Electrocoagulation - removal is made by means of surgical coagululater with application of local anesthesia. To a thin metal loop the current of high frequency acts - it cuts off appearance and coagulate surrounding structures. Heating of structure occurs instantly is allows to avoid a bleeding and distribution of the cells infected by a virus to healthy . Due to the small size of a working loop probably accurate dot elimination even fine moles, warts and papillomas. The method of electrocoagulation, unlike laser destruction, allows to keep a deleted structures for the subsequent histologic research. After influence of a current the small crust which disappears on the average in 7 days is formed. On skin in some cases (after deep influence) remains a light, undistinguished flat scar *, therefore the method of electrocoagulation is used at elimination of appearance on the skin

2. Surgical method - it is required for removal of extensive good-quality formations , it is spent in conditions operational under local anesthesia, after operation intraskin cosmetic seams are imposed. Seams remove for 7 day. After treatment remains light thin (2-3 mm) flat scar.
* To make scars undistinguished use in the postoperative period (to destination the surgeon) special resolve a plaster on silicon basis. Carrying of a plaster proceeds 2-3 weeks, a plate reusable
All the removed skin formations without fail send on histologic research.


The crust 2 days is necessary for processing a solution diamond green or ointment with antibiotics
Do not wet a crust within 5 days and to use decorative cosmetics in a zone of operation
Do not delete violently crusts is can lead to formation rough scar
In solar weather it is necessary to protect a place of operation by a sun-protection cream with SPF 60-100 within 2 weeks, the young skin after crusts should be protected necessarily - preventive maintenance of occurrence proof pigmentary spots.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Released from spots for ever

It is necessary to remember, the heavy form when spots on the face are estimated in tens, arising in deep layers of skin, treatment by medical products is required. However such means should be used only after consultation of the expert.
Today there are many lotions and creamsfor skin care which give fast effect, but relieve from acne rashes only for short time. To cure this disease and to be released from spots for ever, it is necessary to apply special medical means. Recently has well proved not hormonal preparation on the basis of azelaic acids.
Cosmetics which included azelaic acids possesses antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiacne action, interferes with formation comedones, acting on the main parts of development acne. After treatment decrease thickness of a horn layer and growth of the pathogenic bacteria causing acne, - Propionibacterium acnes . Azelaic acids, reduce contents of free fat acids in lipids of skin , and also normalize the disturbed processes keratinization in grease follicles.

Surgical method of removing spots(blemishes)

For treatment proof blemishes or spots often use surgical methods: liquid nitrogen, laser polishing of the skin, dermabration - as it is independent, and in a combination to application above says bleaching means, but it already a subject for separate conversation. Sometimes to hyperpigmentation do not causecause especial discomfort and take place independently. In other cases they do not give in to treatment as the reason which has caused them is not removed, and become a source of serious problems. To struggle with pigmentation it is possible, however the choice of a method of bleaching of the skin should be correct and considered.

Remove spots (Blemishes) with herbs.

Bleaching blemishes with herbs.
Manyherbs also possess bleaching properties, but weaker, than the chemical substances listed above. The bearberry contains arbutin, small concentration of gidrohinon and organic acids that explains it bleaching action. The yarrow is rich flavonoids, forming connections, toxic for cells, and producing melanin, melanotsits Liquorice possesses the organic and phenolic acids promoting bleaching of the skin. A lemon and a cucumber - organic acids and an ascorbic acid, and a parsley - also essential oils which also bleach skin.

Chemical removingPigmentations (BLEMISHES)?

Whether it is possible to struggle with blemishes and, the main thing, this struggle to win? It is possible, but the result of application of any bleaching technique will depend, first of all, on a kind of pigmentation, the reason of its occurrence and an accessory of it. To undertake the aesthetic decision of a problem there is no sense if the reason is not removed, its caused. Sometimes undesirable pigmentation takes place independently after elimination of this reason, in other cases only light peeling means are required. Bleaching of the pigmentation, being a symptom of any disease of internal bodies, can appear absolutely waste of time and money, and also to cause development of serious complications. Therefore, before to buy bleaching cosmetics or to go on bleaching procedure, it is necessary to consult with the expert.
Among bleaching means is strong, but possessing undesirable collateral action (are possible allergic reaction, dermatity or infringements of pigmentation), and more safe, softly operating, but not giving so fast and expressed results. All of hyperpigmentation, irrespective of their kind, represent strengthening development of a pigment of melanin on the certain site of skin. Therefore an obligatory condition for carrying out of all bleaching procedures is reliable protection against ultra-violet beams. Ultra-violet beams of spectra and In essentially increase synthesis of melanin, and for prevention of occurrence and growth of pigmentary spots on a background of bleaching daily use of sun-protection means with a wide spectrum of action (the sun-protection factor (SPF) not less than 25) is necessary. Thus it is necessary to remember, that the maximal protection can be reached only use of special creams whereas the means of decorative cosmetics containing photofilters, are insufficiently effective.
Bleaching procedures include two basic elements - peeling a horn layer of the skin and reduction of producing of a pigment of melanin. Peeling the skin promotes of melanin from epidermis, that leads to clarification of pigmentary spots With this purpose various kinds of peelings are used. The choice of a peeling depends on a kind and expressiveness of hyperpigmentation. Earlier with this purpose used 20 %-s' salicylic spirit, mercury ointment, phenol. Now , for PEELING skin enter into structure of cosmetics a-hydroxy acids such as glicolic, citric acids ,lactic acids and others.
Ability to suppress produce of melanin a lot of various substances possesses. One of the most effective for today is gidrohinon. However it possesses also toxic action on cells of skin, therefore to apply it follows with care. More often in a cosmetic practice 1-2 % preparations gidrohinona are used, in some cases the increase in its concentration up to 4 % is supposed.
In bleaching cosmetic means can contain arbutin which in a plenty find out in leaves of a bearberry and some other plants. Kojevaja the acid not only reduces produce of melanin, but also is capable to peel skin, however its lack is allergenicity. Besides it for reduction of synthesis of melanin use the means containing ascorbic (vitamin C) and azelainovuju acids.

National experience of removing Pigmentations (BLEMISHES)?

Whether it is possible to struggle with blemishes and, the main thing, this struggle to win? It is possible, but the result of application of any bleaching technique will depend, first of all, on a kind of pigmentation, the reason of its occurrence and an accessory of it. To undertake the aesthetic decision of a problem there is no sense if the reason is not removed, its caused. Sometimes undesirable pigmentation takes place independently after elimination of this reason, in other cases only light peeling means are required. Bleaching of the pigmentation, being a symptom of any disease of internal bodies, can appear absolutely waste of time and money, and also to cause development of serious complications. Therefore, before to buy bleaching cosmetics or to go on bleaching procedure, it is necessary to consult with the expert.
Among bleaching means is strong, but possessing undesirable collateral action (are possible allergic reaction, dermatity or infringements of pigmentation), and more safe, softly operating, but not giving so fast and expressed results. All of hyperpigmentation, irrespective of their kind, represent strengthening development of a pigment of melanin on the certain site of skin. Therefore an obligatory condition for carrying out of all bleaching procedures is reliable protection against ultra-violet beams. Ultra-violet beams of spectra and In essentially increase synthesis of melanin, and for prevention of occurrence and growth of pigmentary spots on a background of bleaching daily use of sun-protection means with a wide spectrum of action (the sun-protection factor (SPF) not less than 25) is necessary. Thus it is necessary to remember, that the maximal protection can be reached only use of special creams whereas the means of decorative cosmetics containing photofilters, are insufficiently effective.
Bleaching procedures include two basic elements - peeling a horn layer of the skin and reduction of producing of a pigment of melanin. Peeling the skin promotes of melanin from epidermis, that leads to clarification of pigmentary spots With this purpose various kinds of peelings are used. The choice of a peeling depends on a kind and expressiveness of hyperpigmentation. Earlier with this purpose used 20 %-s' salicylic spirit, mercury ointment, phenol. Now dairy,for PELING skin enter into structure of cosmetic a-hydroxy acids such as glicolic, citric acids ,lactic acids and others.
Ability to suppress produce of melanin a lot of various substances possesses. One of the most effective for today is gidrohinon. However it possesses also toxic action on cells of skin, therefore to apply it follows with care. More often in a cosmetic practice 1-2 % preparations gidrohinona are used, in some cases the increase in its concentration up to 4 % is supposed.
In bleaching cosmetic means can contain arbutin which in a plenty find out in leaves of a bearberry and some other plants. Kojevaja the acid not only reduces produce of melanin, but also is capable to peel skin, however its lack is allergenicity. Besides it for reduction of synthesis of melanin use the means containing ascorbic (vitamin C) and azelainovuju acids.

Pigmentary spots and freckles

Freckles and pigmentary spots are capable to annoy the person not less, than spots and wrinkles. Why they arise? Certainly, the strengthened pigmentation can be result of that the skin starts "to be protected" from the sun, but, probably, it is an attribute of acertain failure in work of an organism. Diseases, and also statuses of a skin and all organism at which appear hyperpigmentation, great variety. We shall stop only on the most "popular" reasons of the manipulation to the cosmetician.

All about Skin diseases

ACNE Acne vulgarisАcne - disease of sebaceous glands or hair follicles also name Hypersecretion of sebaceous glands seborrhea. Acne eruption ( blackheads or camedongenicity) - the phenomenon, characteristic not only for youthful age. Acne can appear and at adults, more often it is a marker of the some people with endocrine diseases, pathologies of ootheca at women. There are even spots at sportsmen accepting anabolic steroids, especially it is characteristic for body builders. Also allocate exogenetic pimples- у developing on seborrhoeic zones owing to hit for skin of the substances possessing camedongenic effect.

Eczema can appear distinct from the person to the person, it is characterized by dry, red, extremely itching sites on skin more often. Eczema it is sometimes mentioned " as the itch is a rash, " as the itch when it is scratched, leads to occurrence of a rash. Eczema meets on any part of a body; however, at babies, eczema it is typical meets on a forehead, cheeks, forearms, legs{foots}, and a neck. In children and adults, eczema typically meets on the face, a neck, and interiors of elbows, and anklebones. In some people, eczema can "bubble up" and ooze. In others, the status can seem more scaly, dry, and red. The chronic scratching reasons the skin to take a leathery structure, because the skin thickens lichenification

Contact dermatitis .Distinguish acute and chronic contact dermatitis. Acute dermatitis arises right after contact with irritator and disappears after the discontinuance of influence irritator. The chronic form of dermatitis develops after repeated contacts, proceeds for a long time, proceeds with aggravations. Contact dermatitis causes a lot chemical and physical irritators (solvents, acids and alkalis, substances of some plants (a nettle, hog weed) detergents, friction, pressure, beam and temperature influences.

Allergy .The allergy - widespread enough disease and, considering frequent questions of patients, has arisen necessity to tell more in detail about this disease and about our methods of treatment. The allergy is the increased sensitivity of an organism various substances - to the allergens, shown symptoms of allergic disease. Up to 25 % of the population of industrial areas suffers any allergic disease. The number of cases of an allergy and its weight steadily grows all over the world. To numerous allergens concern: household (a house dust, ) epidermal (fur and a wool of animals, feathers, scales of fishes), allergens of poison of insects, food, medicinal, infectious, industrial, pollen. Clinical displays are rather various also a degree of weight depends on many reasons. Systems of an organism can practically be involved in all pathological process.
Causation skin diseases and psoriasis it is poorly studied and unknown. The reason of occurrence is the raised sensitivity of skin as a result of which it inadequately reacts to the most various exogen and endogen influences. Original causes of disease are stresses, diseases endocrine systems, illnesses of a gastro enteric path, a liver, a pancreas, dysbacterioses, and also allergic diseases.

Seborrhoea (an armour. Sebum - fat,) - a pathological status of skin at which sebaceous glands allocate increased on comparison with norm amount of skin oil of the changed chemical compound. Changes of a chemical compound it is usually expressed in reduction of the contents of no saturated oil acids that leads to decrease in bactericidal properties of skin oil.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Gentle heat or scorching heat?

There has come long-awaited spring, and we with pleasure substitute our face to caressing beams of the warm sun. Not far off the beach season, and the majority of us only also dreams of how our pale skin will get a seductive and pleasant golden shade. However in a pursuit of beauty which gives the sun, it is not necessary to forget and about danger which is concealed with its beams. »»»

The structure of the skin.

The structure of the skin :

1) Hair
2) Epidermis
3) Derma
4) The Hypodermically-fatty tissue

5) the Hair follicle
6) the Sebaceous gland
7) Perspiratory gland

8) the Fatty tissue

Epidermis covers superficial layer of the skin ,constrains the lion's share of all microorganisms attacking a human body skin.
In spite of the fact that epidermis "is continuously shelled", being restored on a surface of a skin, it is perceived as gentle and soft. The skin is obliged by it to the most thin fatty layer. Fat for its mitigation is allocated with sebaceous glands which are together with hair follicles in derma

Skin Care

We breathe throw the skin.
We feel skin.
Skin – is our the most vulnerable body.

The skin of the first takes up all fatal influences:
• Stress
• The disturbed ecology
• Hormonal preparations
• Harmful substances in structure of clothes, household chemical goods, cosmetics...
As a result all terrible diagnoses is more often sound: Psoriasis, the Neurodermatitis, atypical dermatitis, the Diathesis, eczema, professional dermatitis...